Extending Python using Python
The simplest way to
extend Python is to write modules which can be imported into python in
the standard way. Fortunately, Python's interactivity and elegance make
this an undaunting task. Refer to the LEARN
User's own modules (.py
scripts) are kept separate from Framework and multi-user code, normally
in the user's home directory or some subdirectory of it. One of the
most common problems people initially encounter with Python is this
error message:
import myModule
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in ?
ImportError: No module named myModule
The occurs when
python can't find the file myModule.py .
[Aside: If you're
unsure about the way the Python interpreter is extended using scripts
and modules, read the Module section of the Python Tutorial, available
on line at http://www.python.org/doc/2.4.1/tut/node8.html ].
Whilst the simple
solution to the above error is to run Python from the directory in
which myModule.py
resides, this becomes unwieldy when you want to put all the files of a
project in a project directory or you want to extend the SoniPy
framework. This is done by creating 'environment variables' that Python
can use as a search path when looking for modules. The way these
environment variables are implemented depends on different platforms
and how they are configured. Look at the ENVARS
menu above, for an outline.
Although Python
comes with an extensive standard library and there are many third-party
modules available, we are not limited to using just Python modules. A
powerful feature of Python is its well-defined interface to other
languages. Libraries written in most languages can be integrated
through Python by 'extending' it.
The basic principle
of SoniPy is to use Python as an encapsulating mechanism which can
'wrap' independent software that can be compiled with python bindings,
in such a way that data can flow between them. This means that code
already written in other languages can be compiled into an executable
library with Python bindings and thus made useful in a sonification
environment without the need for re-writing. Another advantage of this
approach is that computationally demanding applications (or parts
thereof) can be written in a (faster) compiling language, such as C++,
in much the same way as assembler-language functions were used in a
previous generation. In fact, many native Python modules
(transparently) exist in this form.
NB 'Extending' is not
'Extending' should
not be confused with a different process, called 'embedding', in which
Python is included in an application by its developers to provide it
with an Application Program Interface (API) or by invoking the Python
interpreter installed on the user's system as a basic API. We mention
embedding in this context because, whilst it may be useful in its own
right, it does not provide the interface flexibility needed by SoniPy.
A discussion about extending vs embedding can be found here: http://www.twistedmatrix.com/users/glyph/rant/extendit.html
A more technical
description is here: http://www.python.org/doc/2.4.1/ext/ext.html
Tools for building Python
interfaces: SWIG
Many of the modules of SoniPy exist as libraries of compiled code.
(Libraries are sometimes called static or dynamic, depending on whether
or not the whole library is loaded into RAM before being used.) The
most common type of library encountered in SoniPy is one of compiled
C++ code objects. For new compilation software, see the Scons paragraph
below. Python 'wrapper' code is then written around that library so
that Python can interface with it. There is more than one tool
available to do this, however we use SWIG: Simplified Wrapper and
Interface Generator.
SWIG is a software
development tool that connects programs written in C and C++ with a
variety of high-level programming languages. SWIG is used with
different types of languages including common scripting languages such
as Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl, Ruby and PHP.
is an interface compiler that connects programs written in C and C++
with scripting languages such as Perl, Python, Ruby, and Tcl. It works
by taking the declarations found in C/C++ header files and using them
to generate the wrapper code that scripting languages need to access
the underlying C/C++ code. In addition, SWIG provides a variety of
customization features that let you tailor the wrapping process to suit
your application.
SWIG is an
essential tool if you plan to build SoniPy modules yourself. Installers
are available for a variety of hardware platforms from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=1645
The latest version
of SWIG is available via CVS.
Mac OSX users: At the time of
writing there was no universal or Intel build available from the latest
version (swig-1.3.11) from the above website (only for PPC). You'll
need to build it from sources.
- Dependency: GNU
`make'. It should be part of the default tools. To check, type
% which make
at the unix prompt. If you need it, you can get it from http://www.gnu.org/software/make/
- Downlood
swig-1.3.11.tar.gz .
Its labeled as "Platform-Independent".
- Gunzip it and
then untar in into
: $ tar -xf swig*.tar /usr/local/
- Build and
% cd
% ./configure
% make
% make install
By default SWIG
installs itself in /usr/local .
If you need to install SWIG in a different location, see INSTALL file
that accompanies the sources, which also advises that
configure script will attempt to locate various packages on your
machine, including Tcl, Perl5, Python and all the other target
languages that SWIG uses. Don't panic if you get 'not found'
messages--SWIG does not need these packages to compile or run. The
configure script is actually looking for these packages so that you can
try out the SWIG examples contained in the 'Examples' directory without
having to hack Makefiles.
Tools for compiling libraries:
SCons is an Open
Source software construction tool. It is an improved, cross-platform
substitute for the classic Make utility with integrated functionality
similar to autoconf/automake and compiler caches such as ccache.
Configuration files are Python scripts. It provides an automatic
dependency analysis built-in for C, C++ and Fortran source code, thus
dispensing with the need for "make depend" or "make clean" to get all
of the dependencies. Dependency analysis is easily extensible through
user-defined dependency Scanners for other languages or file types.
SCons is written in python so it is available for all major hardware
OSX and other *nix users:
Running SCons requires Python version 1.5.2 or later. No source-code
compilation is required There should be no other dependencies or
requirements to run SCons. However it needs to be installed:
- Download the
latest gzipped tarball(.gz) file from
http://www.scons.org/ .
- Gunzip it and
then untar in into
: % tar -xf scons*.tar /usr/local/
- Change directory
to the newly created scons directory:
cd /usr/local/scons*/
- Install it:
python setup.py install
If you're
interested in where SCons is installed, see the Macintosh
OSX: Installing Extension Modules
section under the INSTALL